Primus 20 is a Advanced Level Training of Fundamental Research. This Training is fully based on various approaches of Fundamental analysis like analysis of EIC (Economic, Industry, Company) Framework.
You will learn various techniques of doing financial analysis such discounted Cash flow (DFC), Dividend Discount Model (DDM), Qualitative and Quantitative research, Inter market analysis, pair analysis, Growth model, Financial forecasting etc.
After completion of training you will have to Register for "NISM' Equity Derivative Exam"
Zest-30 is a Advanced Level Strategy Based Training . This Training of most suitable for Ultra HNI trader, Investors and Those who really want to establish their career in the world of Capital market. Here will Learn advanced strategies of Risk Management, How to make Unlined profit without loosing investment. You will learn advanced techniques of Risk Measurement tools such as VaR, Risk and Return ratio, Right amount of Investment etc. After completion of training You will be Awarded a "Certificate from AI Forex BOT
Pebble-50 is a Algorithmic Trading based Advanced Level Training. Here you will Learn method of executing orders using automated pre-programmed trading instructions accounting for variables such as time, price, and volume.
You will learn about various tools and software for Algo trading , tools such as Hadoop, R SAS, Python, Automated Signals, Advanced Indicators which make your trades and investment assured returnable.
After completion of Training will you be Awarded a "Certificate from AI Forex BOT